Butternut: A disappearing tree

Recently placed on the endangered species list Butternut trees are in great danger of becoming extinct.  Unlike most other endangered species the butternut is not suffering due to a loss of habitat or human interference, but rather because of a deadly fungal disease called Butternut Canker.  Although genetic immunity or resistance to the disease has never been proven, a small number of trees have been found in the province that have not been infected with the disease or have the disease but are vigorously surviving despite it.  These disease resistant trees will be the key to the future of the Butternut.  The Grey County Forest Stewardship Network, Bruce Resource Stewardship Network, MNR and the Forest Gene Conservation Association are working together to try and locate and evaluate the Butternut trees of Bruce and Grey counties.  Our goal is to try and identify some trees in Grey and Bruce Counties that are either disease free or have the disease but are vigorously surviving anyways.  Eventually we would like to collect seed from these trees in order to propagate seedlings that have the best chance of survival.  If you think you have Butternut trees in your woodlot in Grey County please contact Grey County Stewardship Coordinator Jason Ritchie at 519-371-8468 or jason.ritchie@ontario.ca. If your woodlot is in Bruce County, contact Bruce County Stewardship Coordinator Craig Todd at 519-371-8465 or craig.todd@ontario.ca.  If you’d like to learn more about the Butternut tree, the Butternut Canker and how you can help please consider attending our Butternut workshop on April 13th 2010 (see below) or visit  http://www.fgca.net.

The Endangered Butternut Tree:  A FREE Workshop for landowners

If you think you have Butternut trees on your property please consider attending this free workshop.

You’ll Learn About:  The tree, the disease and how you can get involved with its recovery.

When: April 13th 2010 7 -8:30 PM

Where: Grey County Agricultural Services Centre

206 Toronto St. South, Markdale

Please Pre-Register with the Grey County Forest Stewardship Network at 519-371-8468

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