Owling at Allen Park

By Jerry Asling

On January 15, ten hardy people(7 adults,3 children) hiked the ski trail at Allen Park. The weather was blustery but, once in the bush, we were sheltered from the wind. The snow-covered evergreen trees made a picturesque corridor for our walk. At the second stop, we were rewarded with an answering call from a Screech Owl. A few minutes later the owl flew into a nearby tree and “talked” to us for 15 minutes before flying off. At midway point, hot chocolate was served, giving us some added warmth and energy. Another stop near the end of the trail produced another answering call, possibly the same owl as before. By this time it was snowing heavily, so we all headed for home. The drive home was in blizzard conditions, but all arrived home without mishap.

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