Meeting: Bat Monitoring Project

March 21, 2022

Event Information:

Toronto zoo bat experts, will come to talk to us about our native bats in Ontario and about the “Bat monitoring Project” in Grey/Bruce in 2021.
Bats are remarkable creatures, undeserving of their negative reputation. They are important pollinators, seed-dispensers and pest controllers. The Fungus ( White Nose Syndrome) has been devastating to the bat population, as well as other threats – such as habitat loss, pesticide’s, and wind turbines etc. etc.
Members of Saugeen Nature and others assisted Toronto Zoo bat team, to set up monitors in various natural areas throughout southern bruce and grey counties in summer 2021. The recorders often found 4 species, and 5 different species were recorded in total. ( there are 8 native bat species in Ontario and 6 are considered native to Bruce/Grey) These results are very exciting. We can learn about the bats and what we need to do to help all these species survive in our area.

Future Events:

Indoor Events

Meeting: Members’ Night

January 20, 2025
Outdoor Events

Tamarack Trails by snow shoe

January 25, 2025
Indoor Events

Meeting: Climate Change: What You Can Do.

February 17, 2025
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