Leader: John Reaume
Our second dragonfly and damselfly outing was off to a wet if not thunderous start as we spent the first hour huddling in our vehicles as the skies came crashing down. Four brave (foolish) souls though waited out the weather and were treated to warm and sunny skies and great conditions for dragonflies. The following 19 species were seen:
Slender Spreadwing
Azure Bluet
Marsh Bluet
Hagen’s Bluet
Eastern Forktail
Sedge Sprite
Canada Darner (probable)
Common Green Darner
Brush-tipped Emerald
Calico Pennant
Eastern Pondhawk
Dot-tailed Whiteface
Twelve-spotted Skimmer
Blue Dasher
Saffron-winged Meadowhawk
Cherry-faced Meadowhawk
White-faced Meadowhawk
Ruby Meadowhawk
Autumn (Yellow-legged) Meadowhawk
The highlight for me was seeing my first ever Azure Bluet and it is always a treat to see the colourful Calico Pennant with the red hearts marked down the top of its abdomen. It is always a pleasure to spend time with such interesting creatures (both the dragonflies and the characters that seek them out!)