Christmas Bird Count 2025

Once again, Gerard McNaughton organized a group of keen birders into an efficient machine for covering the circle that Saugeen Nature monitors every year. The teams started out early on Saturday morning, driving up and down the roads in their assigned sections. The weather was cool, but clear and the roads were snow-covered but well ploughed, so that navigation around the area was simple.
This annual exercise is an enjoyable experience for anyone who likes birds, whether a seasoned bird-watcher or a beginner. Each team is led by at least one experienced birder, but anyone can join in and help, either with record-keeping, or driving, or keeping eyes peeled. One person cannot effectively manage a section on their own, so they welcome help from people of all skill levels. As a bonus, at the end of the day, Gerard and Charlene host a dinner where participants can eat heartily and then sit around and review their data. There is a lot of friendly rivalry at this end of day event, with the veterans vying with each other for who saw the most interesting species.
This year, the total number of birds recorded was down, but the number of species was about average. Following is the listing of species found:

Canada Goose————– 59
Mute Swan—————— 3
American Black Duck—–4
Mallard——————— 423
Common Goldeneye—- 22
Hooded Merganser—— 14
Common Merganser—- 13
Ring-necked Pheasant– 1
Ruffed Grouse————-CW (counted during the week of the CBC)
Wild Turkey—————-146
Bald Eagle——————17
Sharp-Shinned Hawk—–4
Cooper’s Hawk———— CW
Red tailed Hawk————15
Rough legged Hawk—— 8
American Kestrel————1
Herring Gull—————–205
Rock Pigeon—————-295
Mourning Dove————99
Eastern Screech Owl——-11
Belted Kingfisher———–2
Red-bellied Woodpecker–12 New High Count
Downy Woodpecker——–26
Hairy Woodpecker———-18
Pileated Woodpecker——1

Northern Shrike————- 1
Blue Jay———————–144
American Crow————-788
Common Raven————16
Black-capped Chickadee–245
Red-breasted Nuthatch—–12
White-breasted Nuthatch– 25
Brown Creeper—————-2
Golden-crowned Kinglet—–16
American Robin—————-1
European Starling———–733
American Tree Sparrow—–12
White-Throated Sparrow—–1
Dark-eyed Junco————342
Snow Bunting—————-48
Northern Cardinal———–53
Common Grackle————-1
House Finch——————-15
American Goldfinch———39
House Sparrow—————18

Unidentified Species

Gull Sp.————————-2
Hawk Sp.———————–3

46 species + 2 CW species = A total of 48 total species recorded.

Gerard sent this note at the end of the count:
“While numbers were down overall we did stay very close to our overall average of species seen. No additional species were reported in the three days after the count to add to the count week total. Again I want to thank everyone for coming out and participating to help make the Hanover-Walkerton Christmas Bird Count a success. Next year will be the 50th anniversary of our count and plans are already in the works for some extra celebrations, more details to be provided closer to the date. Please mark your calendars now a next year’s count will take place on Saturday, December 20, 2025. Wishing you all the best for 2025!”
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