Christmas Bird Count Report

Another Christmas Bird Count is completed and in the books. On Saturday Dec 18, 2010 29 participants scoured the 24km count circle in search of birds. The day itself started off with winds blowing from the SW and a fine snow falling through the day, temperatures were comfortable with a high of –3. and while rivers and most moving waters were open, all lakes were frozen. Snow depths were about 40cm once you were off road and walking.

49 Species recorded on count day

Canada Goose4

American Black Duck7


Common Goldeneye51

Hooded Merganser5

Common Merganser14

Red Breasted Merganser 2

Mute Swan3

Sharp-shinned Hawk2

Cooper’s Hawk4

Red-tailed Hawk20

Rough-Legged Hawk14

Bald Eagle4

American Kestrel2

Ruffed Grouse4

Wild Turkey163 * New record High (Previous high 162, 2009)

Ring-billed Gull4

Herring Gull71

Rock Pigeon174

Mourning Dove351

Eastern Screech Owl16 * New Record High (Previous high 11, 2008)

Belted Kingfisher2

Red-bellied Woodpecker4

Downy Woodpecker68

Hairy Woodpecker22

Pileated Woodpecker2

Northern Shrike10

Blue Jay207

Gray Jay1 rare bird documentation provided

American Crow983

Common Raven6

Horned Lark42 * New Record High* (Previous high 22, 2004)

Black-capped Chickadee648

Red-breasted Nuthatch23

White-breasted Nuthatch35

Brown Creeper2

Golden-crowned Kinglet11

European Starling511

White-Throated Sparrow1

American Tree Sparrow176

Dark-eyed Junco426

Snow Bunting289

Northern Cardinal59

Purple Finch1

House Finch112

Common Redpoll12

Pine Siskin1

American Goldfinch951

House Sparrow198

A special thanks who come out every year and make the CBC the success it is. Mike and Helen Beaulieu, Bob Gray, Natalie Gray, Kevin Kuipers, Charlene McNaughton, James Turland, Simon Turland, Ralph Knowles, Lynn Stoltzfus, Gary Nafziger, Jakob Natziger, Dave and Jean Schaus, Peter Kloestra, Byron Monk, Angus and Kathleen Inksetter, Gayle Schaus, John Reaume, Murray Townsend, Judith King, Clarke Birchard, Dorothy Kings, Kim Sayers, Jerry Asling, Minerva Cook, Sandra Powell.

We also had several feeder watchers who called and sent their numbers in via email they were Louise, Barb Doerr, and the Kaufman brothers.

A special thank you to Charlene who prepared a great meal for everyone at the wrap up and tally at the end of the day.

I look forward to seeing everyone at the next CBC set for Saturday, Dec 17, 2011. Mark it on your calendars now

Total Count5965

Two additional species were recorded as count week birds but will not appear on final totals. Great Horned Owl and Northern Pintail (last observed in 1983) could not be located on the count day itself, not for a lack of searching.

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