Christmas Bird Count Report

The annual Hanover/Walkerton Christmas Bird Count was conducted under almost ideal conditions on Saturday, December 17th, 2011.  Very little snow fall made walking much easier than usual and driving pleasurable.  Because of a lack of cold temperatures most bodies of water were mainly ice free and thus providing great habitat for Canada Geese and ducks.

This years count consisted of 26 participants who spread out over the count circle in search of our feathered friends.  52 species were recorded one short of the all time record set back in 2004, 2007.  A total of 10,154 individuals made for a great count total.  Rarities this year were Blue Winged Teal and Sandhill Crane, both new for the count.  Other birds recorded but not normally counted include Ring-necked Pheasant, Merlin.  Six additional species tied or broke all time high records.  See list below.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the participants who participated to make the count as successful as it was.  We have some wonderful dedicated participants who make it a point to come out every year and bring great experience and knowledge of the area.  I greatly appreciate the effort everyone puts into this count both those of you who are dedicated to come out every year and those new to the count.  Without all of you it wouldn’t be possible.  A special thank you goes to Charlene McNaughton for providing a fantastic meal during the tally session

Canada Goose               2504               ** New Record High (1,175 in 2001)

Mute Swan                           7               ** New Record High (4 in 2006, 2009)

American Black Duck           5 

Mallard                             262 

Blue-winged Teal                 1                   New Count Species

Bufflehead                            2 

Common Goldeneye          54 

Common Merganser          12 

Ring-necked Pheasant        1                    Ties Record 1998

Ruffed Grouse                     5 

Wild Turkey                       48 

Bald Eagle                           6               ** New Record High (5 in 2008)

Sharp-shinned Hawk           3 

Red-tailed Hawk                29 

Rough-legged Hawk            9 

Buteo sp.                             3 

American Kestrel                 3 

Merlin                                  1 

Sandhill Crane                    4                      New Count Species

Ring-billed Gull               319 

Herring Gull                    247 

Rock Pigeon                   306 

Mourning Dove               162 

Eastern Screech-Owl       12 

Great Horned Owl              2 

Snowy Owl                         1 

Belted Kingfisher                1 

Red-bellied Woodpecker    3 

Downy Woodpecker         37 

Hairy Woodpecker            15 

Northern Shrike                10

Blue Jay                          159

American Crow               885

Common Raven                  7

Black-capped Chickadee 575

Red-breasted Nuthatch     14

White-breasted Nuthatch   20

Brown Creeper                    4

Golden-crowned Kinglet      7

American Robin                 19                     Ties Record 1998

European Starling          2044

Cedar Waxwing                147                **New Record High (126 in 1999)

American Tree Sparrow     16

Dark-eyed Junco              288

Snow Bunting                   885

Northern Cardinal               32

Purple Finch                       10

House Finch                       84

Common Redpoll                 2

Pine Siskin                           2

American Goldfinch          580

House Sparrow                 300

Participants:  Joy Albright, Jerry & Joan Asling, Mike & Helen Beaulieu, Clarke Birchard, Minerva Cook, John Cumings, Valerie Droog, Arlene Erven, Bob & Mary Beth Gray, Ralph Knowles, Peter Kloetstra, Gerard & Charlene McNaughton, Gary Nafziger, Jakob Nafziger, John Reaume, Dave & Jean Schaus, Murray Townsend, James Turland, Karen Vollmer, Ken & Trudy Watson.

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