2012 Nominee:

Dave Schaus

Dave Schaus was one of 13 people who met 37 years ago on April 21, at the home of Bill Fahey in Durham to see if there was enough interest to start a local field naturalists club. From that day forward, as a founding member of Saugeen Field Naturalists, and as an active participant ever since, Dave has contributed to this club in many, many ways, mostly in sharing and encouraging an appreciation of nature.

Dave, and his wife Jean, have always participated in one of the longest running programs in the club, the Christmas Bird Count, and for 17 years they also hosted the count-up dinner for that event.

From 1976 to ’79 Dave was the editor of the club newsletter, and has frequently contributed articles since, including the story of the latest bird walk that he led. Is it true, Dave, that you have a copy of every newsletter from the beginning? It would seem that he is also our resident historian.

Dave has led numerous outings, often several each year, to a wide variety of locations, including birding around the Walkerton Brant area and as far afield as field trips to the Grand Bend area to see the tundra swans. He is one of our reliable and knowledgeable leaders, and many club members have been mentored by Dave.

During the time of sharing sightings and news at the club meetings, we can always count on Dave to bring an interesting tidbit, including the latest item from the world of astronomy, or a suggestion for a good speaker.

In all his activities, Dave has shown his love of nature and a determination to share his knowledge, spreading his conservation-minded approach to all who have had the good fortune to spend time with him. Saugeen Field Naturalists are very fortunate to have Dave Schaus as a member of the club, and are very pleased to recognize his contribution, by presenting him with the Conservation Award.

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I the undersigned, wish to have my child
participate in the following activity
sponsored by the Saugeen Naturalists. As part of registering my child, I hereby agree as follows:
1. That I acknowledge that there are inherent risks associated with this activity and that my child could sustain personal injury through participation in this activity and I am hereby accepting to take that risk on behalf of myself or my child.

2. To save harmless and keep indemnified the Saugeen Naturalists and the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority and their respective agents, official servants and representatives against all claims and actions, costs and expenses and demands, in respect of injury, loss or damage or death to myself or my child’s person.

3. That I acknowledge that in this situation volunteers are involved in supervising this activity and that I shall accept the responsibility of observing my child’s participation in this activity and should I have any objection to the manner in which my child or myself are being supervised or instructed, I accept the responsibility to remove myself or my child from this activity.

This agreement shall be binding upon myself, my heirs, executors and assigns.