Damsels and Dragons – Outing Report (July 13, 2013)

John Reaume

On a beautiful Saturday 3 brave souls contributed to the genetic diversity of the local deer fly population on our 6th annual hunt for dragonflies! This time at Luther Marsh we explored the trails surrounding the main entrance to this conservation area that is the headwaters to the Grand River. We did quite well by finding 16 different species of Odonates including a “Life” dragonfly for the leader – the Lilypad Clubtail! Sitings included:

Dot-tailed Whiteface

Marsh Bluet

Widow Skimmer

Twelve-spotted Skimmer

Chalk-fronted Corporal

Meadowhawk sp. (?probably Ruby Meadowhawk)

Eastern Pondhawk

Lilypad Clubtail

Northern Spreadwing

Canada Darner

Common Whitetail

Frosted Whiteface

Familiar Bluet

Eastern Forktail

Calico Pennant

Halloween Pennant

In addition to the dragonflies we had a chance to admire many early summer wildflowers such as Birdfoot Trefoil, Square-stemmed Monkey Flower, Queen Annes Lace, Heal All, Buttercups, Herb Robert and Chicory. Check out our website to see some of Jerry Asling’s photos in the Gallery section!

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