Do You Know an Outstanding Naturalist?

Saugeen Field Naturalists is now accepting nominations for the Conservation Award. It will recognize outstanding contributions to the cause of local conservation by an individual in the past 5 years, or significant contribution to the work of Saugeen Field Naturalists.

Tell us briefly, in your own words, how the Nominee has demonstrated or contributed to one of the following:

–  the preservation or re-establishment of wildlife and/or habitat
–  enhancement of the natural landscape
–  encouragement of an appreciation of nature (education)
–  protection of water resources

    Please submit your nomination to any Board member by March 31, 2017, or forward to the President, Nikki May, 519-369-5121 or email: The Award will be presented at the Annual General Meeting on April 17, 2017.

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    I the undersigned, wish to have my child
    participate in the following activity
    sponsored by the Saugeen Naturalists. As part of registering my child, I hereby agree as follows:
    1. That I acknowledge that there are inherent risks associated with this activity and that my child could sustain personal injury through participation in this activity and I am hereby accepting to take that risk on behalf of myself or my child.

    2. To save harmless and keep indemnified the Saugeen Naturalists and the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority and their respective agents, official servants and representatives against all claims and actions, costs and expenses and demands, in respect of injury, loss or damage or death to myself or my child’s person.

    3. That I acknowledge that in this situation volunteers are involved in supervising this activity and that I shall accept the responsibility of observing my child’s participation in this activity and should I have any objection to the manner in which my child or myself are being supervised or instructed, I accept the responsibility to remove myself or my child from this activity.

    This agreement shall be binding upon myself, my heirs, executors and assigns.