Hanover/Walkerton Christmas Bird Count

Gerard McNaughton

The annual Hanover / Walkerton Christmas Bird Count took place on Saturday Dec 14, 2013 under less then ideal conditions, yet several good birds were observed by the parties out in the field, feeder watchers, and a few local citizens who sent along their observations as they went about their daily activities. I want to thank each and every one of you for your time in making the CBC one of the largest citizen science projects in the world.

The day itself was cold and as the day went on the blowing snow reduced visibility making locating birds more difficult. Several birders commented that this year they really had to work for the birds. Two species set new high records totals, while several were at low totals. The 49 species recorded on count day is higher than the overall CBC average and only slightly lower that the past 10 year average of 51.

After a day spent in the outdoors most counters returned to Walkerton and the wrap up dinner. A special thanks to my wife Charlene for once again feeding the group upon our return. Someone commented that the social aspect of the count and seeing faces from previous years is one of the highlights of the count.

Great Blue Heron 1

Canada Goose 244

Mute Swan 8

American Black Duck 18

Mallard 674  * New record High

Common Goldeneye 37

Common Merganser 13

Bald Eagle 6

Sharp Shinned Hawk 1

Cooper’s Hawk 4

Red-tailed Hawk 10

Rough-legged Hawk 2

American Kestrel 1

Ruffed Grouse 1

Wild Turkey 104

Ring-billed Gull 16

Herring Gull 191

Great Black-backed Gull 1

Rock Dove 153

Mourning Dove 174

Eastern Screech Owl 16

Great Horned Owl 1

Snowy Owl 1

Red-bellied Woodpecker 4

Downy Woodpecker 43

Hairy Woodpecker 20

Northern Shrike 7

Blue Jay 185

American Crow 760

Common Raven 3

Horned Lark 9

Black-capped Chickadee 291

Red-breasted Nuthatch 18

White-breasted Nuthatch  7

Brown Creeper 2

Golden-crowned Kinglet 4

European Starling 291

Cedar Waxwing 26

American Tree Sparrow 168

White-throated Sparrow 1

Dark Eyed Junco 645   * New record High

Snow Bunting 1921

Northern Cardinal 24

Purple Finch 11

House Finch 68

Common Redpoll 78

Pine Siskin 3

American Goldfinch 298

House Sparrow 148

Waxwing Species 5

Buteo Species 4

Gull Species 5

A big thanks to all who contribute time in making the counts as successful as they are. Counters this year were Helen and Mike Beaulieu, Bob and Mary Beth Gary, Pat and Carl Goll, Gerard McNaughton, Ralph Knowles, Gary Nafziger, Jake Nafziger, Dave Schaus, Peter Kloetstra, Jean Schaus, John Reaume, Joy Albright, Murray Townsend, Val Droog, Judith King, Clarke Birchard, Barb and Bob Young, Vivianne Hebert, Angus and Kathleen Inksetter, Sandy Powell, Lynn Stotzfus, Minerva Cook, Kim Sayers, Steve and Alex, Janice Bridgen, Barb Doerr, and Karen Beech McCullough

Mark your calendars now as next years count will take place on Saturday, December 20, 2014.

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