Outing Report for the May 5th Wild Flower Walk

Event Report by Kim Sayer

On May 5th the Saugeen Field Naturalists had an evening wild flower walk through the southeast side of Kinghurst. There were 10 people out to enjoy the evening. Everyone arrived right after a rain shower so everything smelled clean and sharper than normal.

We have had a very early spring this year so the flowers we saw were different than you would normally see on an early May walk at Kinghurst.

Here is our species list: Wild leek leaves were up and the Trout lily flowers were fading, Common blue violet, Wild strawberry, Marsh Marigolds, common blue eyed grass, Hairy Solomon Seal, white Trilliums False Solomon Seal, Canada Mayflower, Downy yellow violet, Bloodroot, Toothwort, Maidenhair Fern, Ginger, Long spurred Violet, Ostrich fern, Royal Fern, Sensitive Fern, Jack in the Pulpit, Large Flowered Bellwort, Harts tongue Fern, hooked Crowfoot, Showy Orchids in bud, Meadow Rue, Foam flower, Canada violet, Gooseberry, Squirrel corn, Glaucous Honeysuckle, Dwarf Canada Primrose, and White Baneberry.

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