Outing Report from the June 27, 2010 Damsels and Dragons hike at Kinghurst

By John Reaume

We had a beautiful day at Kinghurst Forest Reserve for “odeing” (which means hunting for the odonates -ie- dragonflies and damselflies. We had a dozen people turn up for the event and were fortunate to find 13 species in the few hours of trying. They include:

Spotted Spreadwing

Elegant Spreadwing

Marsh Bluet

Hagen’s Bluet

Fragile Forktail

Eastern Forktail

Sedge Sprite

Calico Pennant

Dot-tailed Whiteface

Widow Skimmer

Twelve-spotted Skimmer

Elfin Skimmer

Meadowhawk ? species

Be sure to check out our website to see photos by Gerard McNaughton of the event.

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