Outing Report

The Outing report from the Damsels and Dragons outing on July 15, 2012 to the Durham Conservation Area.

On July 15, 2012 we had our fifth “annual” dragonfly hike this time at the Durham Conservation Area in Durham. We had 10 participants show up for the hike on what turned out to be a lovely sunny afternoon. Armed with our nets, binoculars and loupes we caught and identified the following 10 species:

Calico Pennant

Hagens Bluet

Marsh Bluet

Ebony Jewelwing

Powdered Dancer

Variable Dancer

Eastern Forktail

Widow Skimmer

Dot-tailed Whiteface

White-faced Meadowhawk

The names of these ultimate insect predators are as enticing as their wonderful colours and behaviours. Be sure to join us next summer for future outings to search for Odonates!

John Reaume

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