Saugeen Junior Naturalists Enjoy a Winter Outing

By Kim Saunders

Saugeen Jr. Naturalist’s from Hanover would like to welcome back Nancy Reaume as the assistant leader. Nancy was with the group for many years, awhile ago, and has come back as there is a need for 2 leaders now. Our group is 15 strong, with 6 absences for our last outing. We snowshoed and played in the snow on a Saturday morning in January. We trekked into Black Lake in Camp Oliver Forest, one of our many beautiful Grey County Forests. We didn’t actually make it into Black Lake we took many turns and just explored the other trails running off of the main trail. A Red Squirrel put on a wonderful show of jumping from tree to tree in the treetops as we entered the trail. Many tracks of white tail deer, and meadow jumping mouse, red squirrel and eastern cottontail rabbit were seen everywhere.

The Saugeen Nature Junior Naturalists meet once a month from September to June to learn about wild plants and animals and their habitats. For more information visit click here.

From Left to right back row: Kim Saunders Leader, Ben Plume, Owen Edwards, Brooke Bender and Nancy Reaume assistant Leader.
Middle row: Cameron Edwards, Georgia Plume, Satya Perreault Fortin and Nevaeh Noah. Front row: Georgia Eichman and Amalia Stoltzfus Forand.

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