Meeting: Understanding and Restoring Lake Huron’s Beaches and Sand Dunes

May 16, 2022

Event Information:

Speaker: Holly Westbrook, Coastal Restoration Technician (Lake Huron Coastal Centre)

In this presentation, the Lake Huron Coastal Centre’s (LHCC) Restoration Technician will discuss the types of shorelines along Lake Huron and introduce the participants to beach-dune process and sand dune development. The participants will learn about the uniqueness and fragility of Lake Huron beaches and dunes and discover why healthy and intact beach-dune ecosystems serve as important recreational and natural grounds for humans, plants, and wildlife. The presentation will also discuss native, non-native, and invasive species that can be observed along the shoreline and how the LHCC’s Green Ribbon Champion restoration program aims to preserve and restore degraded areas along the shoreline to better serve species-at-risk and reinforce the natural environment along the shoreline to make the coast more resilient to future unpredictable and intense changes in the climate

Future Events:

Outdoor Events

Outing: Bognar Marsh

August 3, 2024
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