Outing: Damsels and Dragons

August 12, 2017

Event Information:

Join us at Noisy River Provincial Park as we search for the ultimate insect predators. Damselflies and dragonflies are members of the order Odonata – meaning “toothed ones” which reference their awesome mouth parts. This is our clubs tenth outing to look for these predators and our first time at Noisy River PP. This park was established in 1989 and is part of the Niagara Escarpment with a portion of the Bruce Trail running through the nature reserve. We will search river habitat, open fields and lake shores. Bring binoculars and butterfly nets if you have them as we search for members of this ancient order.

Meet: Noisy River PP is a little over a one hour drive from Hanover. Some of the roads we will travel on are not winter maintained (although we are in the middle of summer the roads are heavily rutted and may not be suitable for a car with low clearance). As such we will likely car pool so be sure to contact the leader to coordinate rides to this park. This is an un-serviced park (no formal parking, toilets or other facilities). Meet at 8:30 a.m. at our car pool location (contact leader). We plan to go to the mid afternoon so bring a lunch as well and we will likely dine next to the Noisy River itself.

Leader: John Reaume 519-334-9861 or reaumejk@yahoo.ca – call or email to register and get further details – note that this area could be quite damp and ‘buggy’ so dress accordingly.

Future Events:

Indoor Events

The Arboretum at University of Guelph’s Elm

March 17, 2025
Outdoor Events

Spring Migrants

April 19, 2025
Indoor Events

Annual General Meeting 50th Anniversary Celebration

April 28, 2025
Outdoor Events

May Wildflower Walk

May 10, 2025
Outdoor Events

Breeding Bird Foray Nos. 7

June 7, 2025
Outdoor Events

Waterfall Tour

June 14, 2025
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