Event Information:
Join us at Schmidt Lake as we search for the ultimate insect predators. Damselflies and dragonflies are members of the order Odonata – meaning “toothed ones” which reference their awesome mouth parts. This is our clubs 11th outing to look for these predators and our first time at Schmidt Lake which is part of the Greenock Swamp Wetland Conservation Area. Bring binoculars and butterfly nets if you have them as we search for members of this ancient order.
We will explore some of the fields that surround the lake as well as visit the floating board- walk.
Meet at 0900 at the more northern parking lot off of Schmidt Lake Road (that is the parking lot north of the Schmidt Lake Lookout Trail parking lot). Contact the leader about car pooling options if needed.
Leader: John Reaume 519-334-9861 or reaumejk@yahoo.ca – call or email to register and get further details – note that this area could be quite damp and ‘buggy’ so dress accordingly.