Outing: Falling Waters Hike: Beaver Valley, Early Fall Colour
October 21, 2017
Event Information:
Meet: “Top O’ the Rock” parking lot (store, eatery etc.) at the North end of Eugenia village, west side at corner of North St., 1:30 p.m.
The Hike: Approximately 5.3 km, 3 hr., moderate pace, mostly gentle terrain, some steeper, valley outlooks, anticipated fall colour in the valley Recommended: Walking stick, sturdy footware, water bottle and snack
In case of weather or late changes: Please Register Ahead Blain/Marj Horsley at bmhorsl@bmts.com or at 519-986-4839. Rain date Oct 15, 2017 (Note this hike was originally scheduled to be on Sept 30, 2017 and has been moved)
****Note new hike date is Oct 21, 2017 as original hike was cancelled due to weather***
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