Outing: Hanover/Walkerton Christmas Bird Count

December 19, 2020

Event Information:

It’s time to fill up those bird feeders, the annual Hanover / Walkerton Christmas Bird Count will take place on Saturday Dec19, 2020. On that day participants will venture out along a pre determined route to observe and identify as many bird species as possible. The CBC has become one of the largest citizen science projects in the world. It’s also a great way to avoid the local crowds and last minute shopping !!!! Please note that because of Covid 19 this years count will be different in that those assisting with the count will need to social distance were possible or stay within the confines of their social bubbles. This year there will be NO social wrap up in the evening as in past years but a zoom meeting will be used to compile the days numbers and species totals.
The Christmas Bird Count began over a century ago when 27 conservationists in 25 localities, led by scientist and writer Frank Chapman, changed the course of ornithological history. On Christmas Day in 1900, the small group suggested an alternative to the “side hunt,” in which teams competed to see who could shoot the most game, including birds. Instead, Chapman proposed that they identify, count, and record all the birds they saw. Now Binocular Brigades often brave winter’s chill, ice, and snow to record changes in resident populations before spring migrants return.
Based on the hamlet of Pearl Lake, our count comprises the towns of Allen Park, Hanover, Elmwood, Chesley and Walkerton. Touring roads via car or by walking along streets birds are identified and recorded by each party. Several party’s will start well before dawn listening for owls calling in the darkness. Still others contribute by watching the bird feeders from the comfort of the your own home and calling in the numbers. Every bird counts !

Future Events:

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The Arboretum at University of Guelph’s Elm

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Outdoor Events

Spring Migrants

April 19, 2025
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Annual General Meeting 50th Anniversary Celebration

April 28, 2025
Outdoor Events

May Wildflower Walk

May 10, 2025
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Breeding Bird Foray Nos. 7

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Waterfall Tour

June 14, 2025
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