Outing: Overnight Trip to Norfolk County (Port Rowan Area)

June 16, 2017

Event Information:

If there is sufficient interest we will plan this outing and keep prospective participants informed of details as they develop. The days are long in June allowing for lots of time outdoors. Plans are to include visits to Backus Woods, Long Point Bird Observatory and St. Williams Nursery and Ecology Centre. We will look for local guides to assist us. There will be opportunity for self-directed explorations of other natural areas of interest.

Backus Woods is one of the highest quality old growth hardwood forests and the best remaining example of the Carolinian Life Zone. Some of the oldest living trees in Ontario are found there including black gum, tulip and cucumber magnolia trees and associated wild flowers, birds and more.

Bird Studies Canada (BSC) headquarters is in Port Rowan, close to the Long Point Bird Observatory (LPBO), Old Cut Research Station and Visitor Centre and Long Point marshes and trails.

St. Williams Nursery and Ecology Centre is on the site of one of the first government operated forest nurseries in Ontario. Now privately owned, the 450-acre property includes 400 acres of field production and 10 acres of greenhouses specializing in growing and supplying native seeds and plants to a wide variety of customers.

Tentative Schedule: Friday am travel; pm Backus Woods; evening Long Point Marshes and Trails (independent); Saturday am LPBO and BSC; pm St. Williams Nursery and Ecology Centre; evening travel home.

Accommodations: The area has a variety of motels, b&b’s, cabins, cottages, camping and trailer parks. A list will be provided to participants well in advance. The area is popular with naturalists, especially in the spring.

Please pre-register and get your name on the list for further information by contacting Lloyd 353-5786 or Clarke 363-2719.

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