Event Information:
Join us as we travel in and around the Walkerton area in search of birds. We will search along the waterways and back roads in search of new spring migrants such as waterfowl, Horned Larks, sparrows amongst others. At the same time we will be checking areas for birds that haven’t yet returned to their northern breeding grounds. This trip should last into the early afternoon, so bring a lunch along with your binoculars. Please register with trip leader at gmcnaughton@wightman.ca or by phone at 519 881-3376. We shall meet at Mother Theresa school in Walkerton at 8:30 and car pool from there. Dress for the weather conditions and consider rubber boots as parts of the outing could be muddy.
Future Events:
Indoor Events
Outdoor Events
Indoor Events
Outdoor Events
Outdoor Events
Outdoor Events