Event Information:
Traditionally a trip north from Scone was made to visit the floods along the Sauble River. Last year we went farther afield to visit the Rankin River system north and west of Wiarton. It was a fortuitous change because there were no floods along the Sauble at the time of our outing. This year we will try the County Line again but we will be prepared to look elsewhere if the floods are again absent.
Meet at the old Scone school park at 9:00a.m. We will car pool from there. Bring a lunch and a drink, binoculars and camera. To register contact Angus Inksetter at 519 364-3331, or e-mail angus.inksetter@gmail.com.
Future Events:
Indoor Events
Outdoor Events
Indoor Events
Outdoor Events
Outdoor Events
Outdoor Events