2006 Christmas Bird Counts in Grey and Bruce

To participate in any of the following Christmas Bird Counts, contact the compiler

Date                                        Area                                 Compiler                        Phone / Email

Saturday, December 16        Hanover/Walkerton            Dorothy Kings                 389-5387

Saturday, December 16        Owen Sound                      Freeman Boyd                538-4368


Sunday, December 17           Wiarton                             Joe Johnson                    534-2736

Wednesday, December 20    Tobermory                         Ethan Meleg                    596-2444 (318)


Thursday, December 28        Meaford                             Lynne Richardson            599-3618


Friday, December 29            Kincardine                           Ralph Knowles                396-5580


Wednesday, January 3         Saugeen Shores                  Cindy Cartwright             389-2585


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