May 16th Spring Wildflower Walk in the Hogg’s Falls area

By Kim Sayers

On May 16th I led a wildflower walk in the Hogg’s Falls area in the south end of the Beaver Valley. 

We started at the Hogg’s Falls parking lot and saw a number of violets including: Yellow Violet, Dog Violet, Long Spurred Violet, and Northern Blue Violet but in a white form and a blue form. 

We saw a number of late spring wild flowers including a few large stands of White Trilliums, Red Trilliums, Marsh Marigolds, Foam Flower, False Solomon Seal, Hairy Solomon Seal, Jack in the Pulpit, and Red Elderberry. 

We went to a special location where there were some showy orchids in flower. The ferns were only just unfolding their tender fronds.  We were able to indentify a few of them including the sensitive fern, maidenhair fern, a number of wood ferns notably the evergreen wood fern, interrupted fern and towards the end a Christmas fern. 

A few birds serenaded us as we walked including the ovenbird, black throated green warbler, a winter wren, a wood thrush and finally a pair of kingfishers ended our walk.

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