If you have any items for the Silent Auction, please let Gertie Blake know at 519-369-2937. Any items that are donated to the AGM’s Silent Auction, and are not bid on, please remember to take the item home after the meeting. Saugeen Nature thanks you for your continued support of the club.


Call for Nominations

At the Annual General Meeting, Monday, April 15, 2019 a slate of officers and directors will be elected to manage the affairs of the club for the coming year. There will be two vacancies to be filled this year. Nominations or the names of volunteers for executive positions or directors should be forwarded to the

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Calling all possible Junior naturalist leaders!

Junior naturalist leaders are needed for 2019-2020 program.On average the Junior club meets on the 3rd Saturday of each month from September to May with no December meeting.Program dates for 2019 Junior Naturalists can be found on Saugeen Natures website www.saugeenfieldnaturalists.com.Fall/Winter 2019/2020 TBA and planned.In addition, an honorarium is given in the volunteer capacity of $30

Calling all possible Junior naturalist leaders! Read More »

Conservation Award

Do You Know an Outstanding Naturalist? Saugeen Nature will recognize outstanding contributions to the cause of local conservation by an individual in the past 5 years, or significant contribution to the work of Saugeen Nature. The Award will be presented at the Annual General Meeting in April 15, 2019. Tell us briefly, in your own

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